Sunday, March 11, 2007
In Oslo's Top Heat

A restaurant and a bar, the name, Kampens Hete, translates into the Heat of the Battle or just the Heat of (the suburb of) Kampen.
The cuisine is continental, but more importantly, the beer list resembles the likes we have seen on better part of the continent, too. Food may be king here, but it is seldom to see such a well-chosen list of 32 beers in this country, including 4 Nøgne Ø's, 2 Atna beers and 9 suberb Belgians. The Norwegian macro beer establishment is represented by Aass, another good choice in my opinion. In terms of selection this place ranks third in the beer desert of Oslo, but when you add beer knowledge and service it may well be a contender for the gold medal.
As you enter, you can either go right to the bohemia-meets-fifties' diner- style restaurant or turn left to the bar area, which includes wireless access for those who need to connect to the real world. The basement is only open for special arrangements, among others a recent beer tasting evening. With all these things going, the establishment takes a deserved rest on Sundays and Mondays.
Kampens Hete is a welcome ally in the battle for good beer in Oslo.
Labels: Kampens Hete, Oslo
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