Monday, May 28, 2007
Beery Beersel

Beersel makes for a nice excursion from Brussel. The whole trip takes only about half an hour. The best day to go is probably Friday when most cafés as well as the Drie Fonteinen brewery outlet are open, and there is a train service. I went there on a Sunday, taking the local train to the station of Ukkel-Kalevoet, where there is a connection to De Lijn bus no 154.
The obvious starting point in Beersel is the Drie Fonteinen restaurant, just across the church. Run by the brewer's brother it offers lambik, faro and kriekenlambik in addition to some bottled beers as well as hearty meals. Admittedly, the only relatively young feature at the restaurant is the jong lambik (jong here meaning about 1 year in barrels)- otherwise it is the reign of grey hair. The middle-aged waitresses are quick and friendly with orders in Dutch answered back in English- they are used to foreign beer tourists here! I took a special liking to the kriekenlambik, a perfect blend of lemony lambik with mellow cherry and almonds flavours, ending dry as wood. Can a kriekenlambik get any better than this? The only thing I missed at this splendid restaurant was an oude lambik- they should have some by now.
My next stop was the hotel, restaurant and café Centrum. I opted for the cosy café, which seemed to be the very best in the village with a decent beer list, including Girardin oude lambik and kriekenlambik, and well worthy of a full entry in Tim Webb's Good Beer Guide. I had previously tasted jonge lambik from Girardin at the excellent restaurant De Rare Vos in Schepdaal. It had an interesting leather-like aroma with a touch of toffee. The flavours were surprisingly harmonious with sweet toffee flavours, hints of dry wood and refreshing citrus. The oude lambik, having spent up to three years in the barrel, was very different. Still slightly unattractive in appearance with just a few bubbles gracing the surface. Now raisins and vanilla reached for the nose, and in the mouth the winous liquid revealed lemons, wood and not least vanilla. Two highly different, but wonderful beers in themselves; blending them makes the world's best geuze in my opinion.
The road goes slightly downhill to In de Oude Pruim (the old prune), and appropriately the most exciting beer the deserted café could offer was the most inferior of the Girardin range, the Ulricher Lager Extra. Better luck then at the Café Camping- if only for its atmosphere as a café for the local football team and the adjoining camping ground. Where else is a camping ground served by a café offering the champagne among beers, oude geuze?
The politicians should know that when the storms rage over Pajottenland, there is refuge in some of the most tranquil and traditional cafés around. The heritage they represent is bigger than the question of constituency borders, and it has survived the biggest enemy of all: indifference.
Labels: Beersel, Centrum Hotel, Drie Fonteinen, Girardin, lambik
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Hi! Tore,
In answer to your question "Can a kriekenlambik get any better than this"? I'm pretty sure the answer is no.
In answer to your question "Can a kriekenlambik get any better than this"? I'm pretty sure the answer is no.
Hi Podge!
Your answer is greatly appreciated, and so is the guide book you co-authored on the topic, Lambicland/Lambikland. That the 2004 edition is completely sold out, proves the success of the craft beer movement in awakening interest in and thus saving these great Pajottenland beers. Keep up the good work and enjoy researching for the 2008 edition!
Cheers, Tore
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Your answer is greatly appreciated, and so is the guide book you co-authored on the topic, Lambicland/Lambikland. That the 2004 edition is completely sold out, proves the success of the craft beer movement in awakening interest in and thus saving these great Pajottenland beers. Keep up the good work and enjoy researching for the 2008 edition!
Cheers, Tore
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